Then you absolutely have to visit where you can find an incredible collection with thousands of aerial photos that can be easily viewed through different search and selection tools, with which you can search, plan, explore … dream from a bird’s eye view from various perspectives, beautiful coastal landscapes from around the world.

The search and selection methods are varied, such as Marinas, Anchorages, Lighthouses, Landmarks, etc. Which in turn are broken down by country.
Here, for example, all the 494 Italian Marinas in alphabetical order, or the 106 Swedish Lighthouses, or even the 72 Californian Harbors.
For each location, there is a complete set of 5-10 different aerial photos taken from various options, which you can select from the vertical bar on the right of the screen.
Each photo can also be zoomed at will by a simple click or click + box with the left mouse button until you see any detailed detail.